This is solely for RP purposes...
His great talent is his proficiency with knives. He's mildly insane, for when he was 15 his parents and his beloved baby sister were orcs? He's a wanderer and shows his talent at odd times. Moody!
Gondorian, Lebennin area. Member of a defunct House, Iselin. Wields a broadsword. Escaped primarily from parents and nagging younger sisters. Has an odd passion for mapping. The most honorable.
A young man, born by Dol Amroth, raised in Rohan after his mother brought him there upon his father's death. Idealist and the nicest of the guys. Doesn't carry a weapon regularly, but a good shot. Loves horses.
He's Alivair's twin brother, but they've been separated since the age of 7 for 15 years. He's the quiet one and prefers not to be in situations, but aids those in need and is fairspoken. Carries a haunted look in his eyes from the past.
Alardan's twin. He's rougher and disdainful from his different upbringing (He was abducted by not-so-nice people, and Alardan was found by decent people. Their parents were killed when they were separated). The twins can feel each other if they're close enough, and are still trying to figure things out now that they've met again.
Thief. Light-hearted.
Kariel Arenfall
Gentle and mild. She carries a few daggers but dislikes fighting. Her brother was killed as a soldier, and it devastated her. She's in need of comfort and someone to rely on and forget things. She's wandering and wishing for something to happen...
Fiery and strong, has a sword and proud of it. Outspoken and confident. Ranger type, half-elf. Pretty if one would take an interest in her (rare so far).
Jaena Orderon
Brooding type. Elemental/sorceress type deal, you'll see if you ever have to fight her or alongside her. Goes cloaked and in mannish attire. Fights well. Darkest of my girls--the kind to sit in a corner eyeing people.
A young woman from Minas Tirith. She has a brother and father in the Guard. They taught her fist and blade fighting. She's kind at heart and good with horses. She spent time in the Mordor dungeons before Sauron was overthrown.
She's a Numenorean...adaptable for RP purposes. Loves ships and the sea. Her father went on a journey and never returned, and her mother died of grief. Her younger brother is 8 years younger. They were raised by an old family friend.
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