Sunday, January 17, 2010

Author's End Note

Author’s End Note

Dear readers. I have not written “The End” here, nor will I ever in any tale of mine. For, you see, stories never have an ending. Our part in them may come to a close, but the mantle is always there for another to take up and bring to new light. It is part of the world, part of creation, part of the endless cycle. We are all part of the same story that has gone on since the beginning of time.

In a way, reader, everything you do is part of a story, whether you think it or not. And stories are powerful. I hope that you have found something of yourself and the world reflected back at you in this one of mine. Words are precious things; they can give wings to thought and make it fly, open your eyes, show you things you’ve never seen or even dreamed of imagining. The world of thought and story is full of infinite possibilities. It is limited only by the walls you yourself have created in your mind. If you let go, why, who knows what you may discover? It is not all about creation; story is a journey of discovery. You may surprise yourself.

I hope this child of the journeys of my thought has given you some hope, some happiness, some understanding, and some laughter as you have perused it. It was all I ever wanted, to make something to leave behind and bring joys and lessons to those who come after. Everyone yearns to leave a legacy, some mark on the world. This is mine, the child of my imagination and what I believe I have learned.

Take what you will from it. To every face it is a different lesson, a different feeling, the same words with different meaning. Find what it is to yourself, whether a lesson, or an amusement, or something to turn to in a dark hour or a light one. I will never forget what stories brought to me through all the times of my life, and still do. I hope I have returned some of that to the next generation of those to come. I hope you will find some starlight pushing through the cracks of velvet night in it.

Until next time.

That is what I would like to see at the end of my work, to motivate me to continue and create. This is why I continue. That's what I want to accomplish--to create something that can mean something to others like the books I love meant to me. There is nothing like what story can do, where it can take you, and what it can teach, barring the limited actual experiences we can receive. Somehow, in the dark of the night, it is story that returns and brings messages to me. So this, I guess, is what I want to achieve for myself and for the future, to leave behind something worthwhile to all.

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