Sunday, May 2, 2010


If time were to stop for a day, and everything in the universe were arrested in place, would we even notice? I guess not. Isn’t that an odd thought? Who knows—maybe there are times where everything is arrested and we don’t know.

Now, now, I know you’re going to be on my case for the ridiculous unlikeliness of this. But wouldn’t that be interesting if it were to happen? In any case, that’s how you need to think if you want to be…a good writer? An imaginative person?

Maybe someone who wants to change the world?

I wonder what the people who turn out to be so amazing think early on. I wonder if they start out with wonderful intentions in mind, or if they start out for themselves. Does it make a difference, whether you do something for yourself or for others? I’d like to say it does, but sometimes I wonder.

Most of all I wonder about writers. Everyone dreams their writing will be a best-seller, I think. I wonder how it comes to them, really, the amazing ideas that turn out to be so much, even a form of sustenance! I know that many writers have their own sites where they try and tell these things, but sometimes I wonder if it can be explained.

I wish that were me. Writing is something I’d love to do—maybe that I’m more passionate about than other things. My mind’s always been rather active, as certain readers will know—all through elementary school, lying in bed at night, trying to bring myself away from reality. Maybe it’s not the best idea—after all, they always talk about facing things, but sometimes there’s only so much you can do. And sometimes it’s just nice to get away.

Books have always intrigued me. I was taught to read at the age of 4, and I loved it at once. According to my mother, I was always the better one with words in our family (although you probably can’t notice it here--this is what happens when I get in a hurry!). And I’ve always been drawn to fantasy and science fiction (although I won’t deny there have been other periods—mystery books in the third grade, horse books like Heartland and Thoroughbred in about the 5th…) because they had so much possibility for other things. You could create any kind of a world—even one in which time stopped for a day without anyone’s notice.

I’m writing a novel, of course, and I know that you can’t really just create anything. There are always rules to follow—and you’re not the creator, you find. You’re just the tool; the recorder; the historian. You see this world and what happens and you write it down for the rest of the world to find. I like to think that those worlds exist somewhere—books are the portals to reach them, and then your imagination can find what follows later.

So I wonder how the big writers feel? How is it, to write and discover every day of your life without having to go too far? That’s always been a dream of mine. Maybe someday…

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